The Regional Service Centre Entebbe has no client queries pending
The Regional Service Centre Entebbe has no client queries pending over 30 days. This declaration was made by The Chief Client Service Delivery Pillar (CSDP), Ms Benta Aseto at the regular User Group VTC Meeting in the Kofi Annan Conference Room 3 on the afternoon of 30th January 2020.
In her presentation, Ms. Aseto provided a graph that indicated that out of 1,696 queries received in the second quarter of the year 2019/20, the team cleared a total of 2,003 queries. She attributed the higher figure to the clearing of backlog of queries by the CSDP team at an average of 31 resolutions per day.
During the quarter, Education grant queries were the highest number of queries at the Centre totaling 336. This was followed by leave, travel, salary and other benefits related queries. Travel related queries however rose from 74 in October 2019 to 111 in December 2019 and this can be linked to the high number of travel requests during the holiday season.
Chief RSCE, Mr. Paulin Djomo commented that he was surprised to see the high volume of queries arising from Education Grant during the December season.
Whereas the UN Mission in Darfur maintained the top spot for 3 straight months in terms of monthly resolved queries, the big 5 peace keeping missions continue to post the highest query volumes during the quarter accounting for a total of 1,732 of the resolved queries.
Ms. Aseto also commented on calls received on the CSDP line 198-5555. According to statistics, October 2019 had the highest number of calls received with 231. The calls gradually reduced to 170 in November and 92 calls in December 2019. The majority of the calls received were HR-related and she urged the missions to help resolve issues first at their level and to address client queries to avoid creating a backlog that delays overall query resolution.
She reported the largest call drivers to be HR, Travel, Finance, Education Grant and Uniformed Personnel related issues.
She also announced that the telephone line is actively manned at all times of the RSCE working hours.
The meeting was also informed about the upcoming Client Satisfaction Survey which will be the first one since 2018. Benta also pointed out a few changes in the survey that would ensure a more informed and richer result.
She pointed out that the survey will be conducted in two languages – English and French and it should take about 15 minutes to complete. The survey has been remodeled to ensure that respondents only receive questions based on their staff category, in line with the specific services they receive.
The scope of the questions too has been widened to take into consideration Mission specific experiences and she quoted the check in – check out process as being limited to only UNISFA and MONUSCO as they are the only entities that receive that service. Staff grades too have been eliminated to ensure pure anonymity and confidentiality of the survey.
The survey will be deployed by the C/DMS and will be accessed on desktop or mobile using Chrome or Mozilla browsers. The survey is restricted to International, National staff, UNVs and Uniformed Personnel.
In the same meeting, Mr. Josef Salani urged the Missions, especially Special Political Missions to submit their financial reports as the deadline for preparation and submission for the closing of SPM accounts are quickly approaching. The same was echoed for submission of Expense Reports from various Missions.
Mr. Djomo took the opportunity to take the meeting through the Digital Signature Project in Onboarding.