RSCE Achieves 100% Resolution of Client Queries
The Regional Service Centre Entebbe has achieved 100% query resolution for the period July 2020 to June 2021 with 85% of these resolved within the 7 day promise as per Service Level Agreements with client missions. A key milestone since the inception of the Centre.
The Centre received 4,096 queries during the period and these were mainly in time and attendance (851), Travel (681) and Salaries (449). In the same period for the previous year 2019/2020, RSCE received 5,622 queries and resolved 6,158 due to unresolved queries rolled over from past periods.
Queries in Education Grant, which were one of the largest drivers in 2019/20 reduced largely because of capacity building sessions and proactive communication sent to the staff members during the global COVID19 pandemic while travel queries and time and attendance maintained their high numbers.
The launch of the Client Service Delivery Model (CSDM) in its client Missions has enabled the RSCE continuous engagements with the Client Support Units (CSU) and focal points through monthly meetings, Mission visits or virtual engagements, analysis of query trends and implementation of actions arising from client satisfaction survey results. This is partly responsible for the success in quicker resolution rates of queries.
The CSDM, a hub-and -spoke model - in which the RSCE is the hub and its client missions are the spokes - ensures staff members first channel all their queries through a customer relationship management system to their mission CSU for resolution. In the event the issue requires escalation, the mission CSU/focal point channels to the Client Service Delivery Pillar (CSDP) to allow for proper tracking and quick response. The clients can also channel their queries for services provided by the RSCE, directly by logging them on iNeed, the query management tool used by the RSCE and all its clients. The establishment of a dedicated pillar for Client Service delivery has allowed Service Lines time to focus on transactions while it takes on client engagement and communication.
CSDM has been implemented in several client missions including UNSOS, UNSOM both in Somalia, MINUSMA in Mali, MONUSCO in DR Congo, UNISFA in Abyei South Sudan and MINUSCA in Central Africa with a scheduled launch in UNMISS located in South Sudan in the coming weeks.