RSCE Attains 80% Rating in Client Satisfaction Survey
The Regional Service Centre Entebbe (RSCE) carried out the 6th Client Satisfaction (CSAT-6) Survey and achieved an 80% client satisfaction rate in the survey deployed to all staff in client missions between 23 November to 20 December 2023. This cycle, the RSCE is up 2.5% from the 77.5% achieved in 2022 and is the highest attained in the last 6 years.
Over 3,000 staff participated in the CSAT6 representing 27% participation rate, the highest ever since 2018, largely driven by targeted drives to increase participation from UN volunteers and Uniform Personnel as well as National and International Staff. The survey was conducted in English, Arabic and French. CSAT-6 sought to get feedback from clients about quality of service offered by all the seven transactional service lines of the RSCE.
The 6th Client Satisfaction (CSAT) results offer the only measure of client perceptions in the multistakeholder end to end processes in RSCE services. Overall, there was a general improvement in satisfaction ratings of Service Lines across the board as compared to the previous survey.
The best improved Services whose index increased by 5% were Uniform Personnel and Onboarding and Separation Service Lines. Respondents indicated being courteous and professional, effective communication and responsive as the most important attributes to them as they received services in 2023.
Overall, there was also general improvement in the satisfaction indices of RSCE client missions in 2023 CSAT-6.
The Director RSCE, Mr. Paulin Djomo congratulated all the service lines for the job well done and pointed out that these results are the “Voice of the Client”. He urged all Service Lines to integrate the action areas from these results into their workplans for 2024/25 to address the gaps raised by clients.
He placed accountability for action planning on Service Delivery Managers and advised Client Service Section to coordinate, monitor, track and evaluate the impact of the actions taken between survey cycles.
This is the 6th Client Satisfaction Survey conducted by the RSCE since the deployment of the Client Service Delivery Model (CSDM) that seeks to standardize the client experience across all RSCE client missions. This holistic multitiered support system expedites client service delivery in the areas of human resources, travel and finance and the results show in the survey.
This cycle has for the first time included the RSCE section level and mission level report to further drill down what’s working well and existing areas of improvement in the RSCE service delivery. CSAT-7 will include other transactional areas like Cashier Service Line and Telephone Billing to increase the scope of the survey.