RSCE Committed to Environmental Conservation Through Sustainable Action

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6 Jun 2024

RSCE Committed to Environmental Conservation Through Sustainable Action

Jullian Kahara Atukunda

Yesterday, June 5, the United Nations Entebbe Campus Management and Staff gathered to commemorate World Environment Day 2024. This year's theme, "Land restoration, desertification and drought resilience," is aligned with the United Nations' ongoing commitment to environmental stewardship and sustainable living.

During the event, Director of the Regional Service Centre Entebbe (RSCE), Mr. Paulin Djomo, highlighted various initiatives  by the RSCE to save mother nature ranging from going paperless in offices, digitalization and online collaboration, waste segregation as well as the greening initiative with the planting of 180 trees and over 1,400 plants in the last decade. As part of this year's celebration, an additional 14 trees were planted by each section of the RSCE and all entities on the Campus.

Mr. Djomo also pledged to continue implementing energy-efficient practices by installing LED lighting and energy-saving appliances and encouraged staff to implement practical measures of energy conservation and essential for reducing our carbon footprint like closing windows and doors when running Air Conditioning Units or turning off lights at night.

“Our goal today is to inspire every one of you to adopt more sustainable practices and to engage actively in environmental conservation efforts. As a Centre, we are working on extending the use of motion sensor lights in many more places on campus to follow the practice implemented in DOS and UNGSC.” He said.

World Environment Day has been a global platform since its establishment by the United Nations in 1972. It serves as an opportunity to inspire collective action for our planet rather than just reflecting on environmental issues. The goal is to encourage individuals to adopt more sustainable practices and actively engage in environmental conservation efforts.

One significant announcement made during the celebration was the launch of a solar-powered rainwater harvesting system at RSCE. With a capacity of 50,000 liters, this system will not only reduce water bills but also provide ample water for irrigation, engineering, and sanitation needs.

The event was graced by Ms. Naomi Namara Karekaho-the Head Corporate Communications; National Environment Management Authority and Mr. Emmanuel Mugisha; Town Clerk Entebbe Municipal Council as representatives of local authorities concerned about environmental matters.

Ms. Karekaho emphasized that humans have been given authority over nature, it is crucial that we take care of it rather than destroy it further through irresponsible practices. She urged everyone present to act responsibly towards the environment so that it can return to its original state if left undisturbed.

"Environment is no one's property to destroy it's everyone's responsibility to protect" was a quote shared by Mr. Mugisha from one philosopher.

Micah Emeru - Environment focal point at RSCE - stressed that environmental management starts with everyone taking responsibility for their actions. The occasion also served as an opportunity for him to remind staff about "Induulu," an app launched by RSCE specifically designed for reporting environment-related issues within United Nations Entebbe Campus promptly.